O2Jam wiki
Convenience Store
Convience Store
Artist Drunken Tiger
Notecharter Sirius.o2SE +
ID 444
Alternate name Flag of South Korea 편의점
Flag of China 两人世界
Genre Hip-hop
Level 4 / 11 / 19
Note count 436 / 873 / 1346
List icon
103 +
List icon
2:31 +
Country KR +
443 Call me again
444 Convenience Store
445 Over The Ocean
v - e - list

edit info

Convenience Store is a song in O2Jam. It is the 2nd track in the album One Is Not a Lonely Word.

There is an error on the image of Convenience Store. The album of which this song is in is One Is Not a Lonely Word, but instead of Word, the image says World.
